Comprehensive list at Google Scholar and ORCID
Members of the Lange Lab in underlined.
Preprints – Feedback welcome!
Peer-reviewed publications
Proteogenomic analysis identifies the persistence of targetable lesions and proteomes through disease evolution in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

medRxiv 2022
open access – now accepted in Nature Communications
Pathogenic BRCA1 variants disrupt PLK1-regulation of mitotic spindle orientation

Nature Communications 2022
open access
Sensitive identification of known and unknown protease activities by unsupervised linear motif deconvolution

Analytical Chemistry 2022
open access
Modification of BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk by HMMR overexpression
Nature Communications 2021
open access
Multi-omic profiling of the leukemic microenvironment shows bone marrow interstitial fluid is distinct from peripheral blood plasma

Exp Hematol Oncol 2022
open access
Robust unsupervised deconvolution of linear motifs characterizes 68 protein modifications at proteome scale

Scientific Reports 2021
open access
PDX models reflect the proteome landscape of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia but divert in select pathways

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 2021
open access
Detectability of biotin tags by LC-MS/MS
Sensitive determination of proteolytic proteoforms in limited microscale proteome samples

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2020
open access
Origins and clinical relevance of proteoforms in pediatric malignancies

Tumor variant identification that accounts for the unique molecular landscape of pediatric malignancies

J National Cancer Institute (JNCI) – Cancer Spectrum 2019
open access
- Yu H, Xing S, Nierves L, Lange PF, Huan T. Implementing quality control-based signal calibration in mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to overcome the error of fold change calculation caused by nonlinear ESI responses. Analytical Chemistry (2020)
- Richmond AP, Kloet F, Vaz FM, Kampen AHC, Uzozie A, Lange PF, Lin D, Kobor M, Graham E, Mostafavi S, Moreland P, Wasswerman W, Karnebeek C, Kemp S, Engelen M, Multi-omic approach to identify phenotypic modifiers underlying cerebral demyelination in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
- Connell M, Chen H, Jiang J, Kuan C-W, Fotovati A, Chu T, He Z, Lengyell TC, Li H, Kroll T, Li AM, Goldowitz D, Frappart L, Ploubidou A, Patel M, Pilarski LM, Simpson EM, Lange PF, Allan DW, Maxwell CA. HMMR acts in the PLK1-dependent spindle positioning pathway and supports neural development. eLIFE. 2017 Oct 10;6. pii: e28672.
- Prudova A, Gocheva V, Auf dem Keller U, Eckhard U, Olson OC, Akkari L, Butler GS, Fortelny N, Lange PF, Mark JC, Joyce JA, Overall CM. TAILS N-Terminomics and Proteomics Show Protein Degradation Dominates over Proteolytic Processing by Cathepsins in Pancreatic Tumors. Cell Reports. 2016 Aug 9;16(6):1762-73.
- Fotelny N, Yang S, Pavlidis P, Lange PF#, Overall CM#. Proteome TopFIND3.0 with TopFINDer and PathFINDer: database analysis tools for the association of protein termini to pre- and post-translational events. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015 Jan;43(Database issue):D290-7. (# joint corresponding author)
- Pitter F Huesgen, Philipp F Lange , Lindsay D Rogers, Nestor Solis, Ulrich Eckhard, Oded Kleifeld, Theodoros Goulas, F Xavier Gomis-Rüth & Christopher M Overall (2014). LysargiNase mirrors trypsin for protein C-terminal and methylation-site identification Nature Methods 12, 55–58 (2015)
- Nikolaus Fortelny, Jennifer Cox, Reinhild Kappfelhoff, Amanda E. Starr, Philipp F. Lange, Paul Pavlidis, Christopher M. Overall (2014). Network Analyses Reveal Pervasive Functional Regulation Between Proteases in the Human Protease Web PLoS Biology, 12(5):e1001869. PMID: 24865846.
- Philipp F Lange*, Pitter F Huesgen*, Karen Nguyen, Christopher M Overall (2014) Annotating N termini for the Human Proteome Project: N termini differentiate stable processed protein species from degradation remnants in the human erythrocyte proteome. Journal of Proteome Research13 (4), 2028-2044 (* joint first authors)
- Huesgen PF*, Lange PF*, Overall CM (2014) Ensembles of protein termini are sensitive and specific proteolytic signature biomarkers of disease, Proteomics – Clinical Applications (* joint first authors)
- Lange PF, Overall CM (2013) Protein TAILS: When termini tell tales of proteolysis and function. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17(1):73-82
- Philipp F. Lange, Pitter F. Huesgen, Christopher M. Overall (2012). TopFIND 2.0—linking protein termini with proteolytic processing and modifications altering protein function. Nucleic Acids Research. 40(D1): D351-D361.
- Philipp F. Lange & Christopher M. Overall (2011). TopFIND, a knowledgebase linking protein termini with function. Nature Methods 8: 703–704.
- auf dem Keller U, Bellac CL, Li Y, Lou Y, Lange PF, Ting R, Harwig C, Kappelhoff R, Dedhar S, Adam MJ, Ruth TJ, Bénard F, Perrin DM, Overall CM (2010). Novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor [18F]marimastat-‐aryltrifluoroborate as a probe for in vivo positron emission tomography imaging in cancer. Cancer Research 1;70(19):7562-9.
- Philipp F. Lange, Lena Wartosch, Thomas J. Jentsch, Jens C. Fuhrmann (2006). ClC–7 requires Ostm1 as a β–subunit to support bone resorption and lysosomal function. Nature 440: 220–223.